We’re going to explain how you can make the most of this new tool: LinkedIn Stories.

As you’ll already be aware, traditional communication and marketing have completely changed. They’re nothing like the digital marketing we use today. The advent of social media means that brands have to attract rather than just sell.

Now more than ever, they have to forge relationships through conversation by focusing more on the customer and less on the brand itself. And it doesn’t just affect B2C companies. If you want to attract customers to a B2B company read on and you might just discover a new method for doing it.

There are massive benefits to creating an online community that will voice an opinion about your brand and recommend your products, with fantastic results.

At the heigh of the pandemic in 2020, LinkedIn decided to follow in the footsteps of other social media platforms and create the acclaimed Stories feature – temporary videos or images published by a user that are linked to their user profile, which normally disappear after 24 hours.



Stories lets you share fresh content. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your company behind the scenes and the day-to-day of your employees, revealing who’s behind the logo. It’s a way of humanising your brand.

For instance, an manufacturing company could use LinkedIn Stories to showcase their production line. By using a storytelling technique, you can create visual content that’s accessible and easy for people to engage with, making your company stand out from the competition.


You can use Stories to ask your target audience questions, making it simple for them to interact with you. Why? Because Stories enables a certain degree of privacy that isn’t provided when users interact with the publications on your feed. When a user responds to a Story, it’s only the company (the user profile who shared the story) that sees your response. It encourages more people to interact than if they had to respond on the public feed, where their comment would be visible to everyone.

At the same time, Stories on LinkedIn offers a tag feature, so that you can tag people to encourage them to participate in the conversation.


By interacting with your audience, you’ll get to know them better. You’ll be able to answer their questions, provide solutions for their problems and improve your product or service. This information can be really valuable. Just imagine how beneficial it would be for an Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategy to feed its CRM with these interactions.


It’s an ideal tool for opinion leaders, as it lets you share your expertise in a user-friendly, creative and fun way, as a specialist of a particular subject or business area.


LinkedIn stories represents a new opportunity to publicise and position your brand. You can share quality content with your audience and reach new customers.
Now that you’ve seen the benefits of using this new tool, we’d like to give you some advice. Make sure you have a strategy before you jump in at the deep end! Every publication you make needs to have a clear aim, as regards both content type and design. Your storytelling technique needs to be good so that it doesn’t have the opposite of the desired effect.

Always keep in mind your Buyer Persona. The content you create for Stories or any other channel needs to be designed for your Buyer Persona. You also need to be sure what the objectives are for each publication you make.

If you’re unsure about any of this, why not tell us what you want to achieve, and we’ll find the best solution for what you need, here at Famous Wolf.

Rudy Heywood